Pro Shape Body Styler for Professionals
Acids and bases in balanceTreatments with the Pro Shape Body Styler serve to effectively deacidify and detoxify the body - that's pure detox! The applications are offered to improve the appearance of the skin and to change the silhouette, in particular also as support for weight loss and for lasting tightening of the connective tissue. Also available: a special program against spider veins.
The unique application takes place with the help of a patented ion shooter, which produces highly concentrated negative ions (O2 (-) = plasma) and directs them into the special 'detox cocoon' (the so-called ion tent). The plasma hardly penetrates the skin in the treatment area and automatically triggers the liberating, biochemical processes in the tissue. Precipitates of the neutralized, excess acids are excreted with the remaining liquid after the treatment.

Treatment Details
Treatments with the Pro Shape Body Styler last between 30 and 40 minutes and give a high level of security thanks to automatic treatment programs. Applications are aimed primarily at customers who want to do something to improve their figure and physical appearance (loss of volume and skin tightening, special program against spider veins). This is how you liberate the body of your customers - for an improved body feeling!Pro Shape at a glance
- High profitability and quick payback
- No staff retention during treatment
- Can be perfectly combined with Slide Styler®, Body Wrapping or Vacustyler®
- No contraindications or intolerances
- Certified quality according to ISO / EN 9001